Ceilidh album

Ceilidh album
The debut album from Sandy Brechin’s rockin’ electric ceilidh
band. With a psychedelic cover and ceilidh dances played with electric
guitar riffs this is not for the purists! But if you want to let your
hair down (or frizz it up) this makes for a great change on the
dancefloor. Led by the ever-inventive Sandy Brechin.

Featuring an all-star cast of Greg Borland, Pete Clark,
Ronan Martin, Gavin Marwick, Chris Agnew, Eoghain Anderson,
Allan Brown, John Currie, Chris Day, Aaron Jones, Colin
MacFarlane, William Oke, John Sikorski, David Taylor, Jim Walker
and Roy Waterston.

The second Shandrix album is currently being recorded, and should be released later in 2014.
Electric Landlady

--> Buy ceilidh album
1.  Gay Gordons   
2.  Dashing White Sergeant   
3.  St. Bernard   
4.  Strip The Willow   
5.  Canadian Barn Dance
6.  The Eightsome Reel
7.  Military Two-step
8.  Virginia Reel
9.  Highland Schottische
10.  Last Waltz

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